How to Make News Soft Manuscripts a Breaking Point


In fact, if you want to promote the press release, if you want to make it more effective, it is very good to have a hot spot, so that the speed of dissemination is very fast and the population covered will be very wide, so how to make the press release become a hot spot? There are a lot of tricks to be aware of here.

1. Combination of soft articles and promotion purposes

First of all, it is necessary to clarify the goal, whether to promote corporate culture, or to promote brand value, or to promote products, etc., and the placement of advertorial articles should not be too rigid, it should focus on value output, implantation is only secondary, to find a joint point, This will make it work better.

2. Marketing awareness

Marketing awareness is still very important. For example, you can look at the hot events that happen every day to see which ones are suitable for your own business to market. Hot events related to yourself are a very good marketing gimmick, and then combine them with your own products. Naturally, you can get good traffic. Of course, you don’t want to rub all the hot spots, but only those related to your own business.

 3. Resonate with users

It is also very important to be able to resonate with the target users, so that the conversion can be greatly improved. Therefore, you still need to work harder on the writing of soft articles. You must understand your users, know what their pain points are, and then analyze in simple terms. Then implant it in the right place, so that the conversion will naturally be good, and you must learn to resonate with users.

4. Seeing the essence through the phenomenon

In fact, there are many hotspots, don’t just look at the event itself, look at the principle of the event, think more, because the reason why this event is popular is often because of internal logic, and the internal logic can generate more hotspots, it is very important to promote more. helpful.

5. Values ​​must be correct

Promotion should be done with a positive and positive attitude, not a negative one. Don't do it if it does not conform to the values, otherwise the company will fall into a difficult situation.

 6. Unconventional views

In fact, if the soft article wants to be popular, the content is still more important, the analysis must be relatively in-depth, the user must know enough, and have their own unique point of view. Being a thinking animal and having the ability to come up with unconventional ideas is a plus.

Of course, it’s good whether it’s your own press release that can become a hot spot or rubbing against a hot spot, but you can’t just rely on this method. In a visible way, practice more to find better promotion strategies, and finding experience is helpful for subsequent promotion. That's all the article said, I hope it can help you.

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