What are the 'minefields' of WeChat marketing? do you know?


What are the minefields that WeChat drainage should not be stepped on? Where there is traffic, you can do marketing. For most businesses and individuals, WeChat is definitely not just a social app, but a marketing channel with huge traffic. To do business on WeChat, you must know how to attract traffic. When it comes to drainage, there are many misunderstandings. The following editor will introduce it to you.

What are the "minefields" of WeChat marketing? do you know?

  1. Advertise in the community

Many people like to post some promotional information advertisements in various WeChat social groups. But the effect of this is very limited. Who will take a serious look at the group news now? And the number of mass advertisements is too many, and it is easy to be kicked out!

  1. Advertising in the circle of friends dominates the screen

It is no exaggeration to say that the reason why wechat businesses are so hated by the public is that many people advertise on Moments and dominate the screen every day. But in fact, this kind of tyrannical operation is very easy to arouse people's disgust.

Who would like to see all kinds of advertisements with little valuable information appear as soon as they enter the circle of friends? And there are still dozens of them in one swipe. Who do you block if you don't block? For WeChat to attract traffic, first of all, we must put an end to advertisements in the circle of friends.

  1. Mass promotion

In fact, the editor does not recommend that you use mass posting to drain traffic to your WeChat or products. Because it is very easy to disturb others, and once the result of disgust is to lose a WeChat friend.

Therefore, mass posting can be done, but it is best to build it in a social group that you have set up to update some activity-related information, at least you are facing target customers, rather than casting a wide net that you can’t catch a single one.

There are many channels and directions for WeChat to attract traffic. As long as you master the rules and skills, whether you are doing a micro-business or promoting offline stores, you can achieve very good results!

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