Can NetEase make money by publishing articles?


 It is possible to make money.

No matter how much you want to achieve daily income, first of all we have to open income. The requirement to open a traffic master on the NetEase account is to achieve a one-star rating. This is actually relatively simple, but it may be time-consuming. Under normal circumstances, it needs to continue to operate to reach 30 before it can be upgraded to a one-star rating.

NetEase's self-media revenue source

1. Advertising revenue: Generally speaking, it is advertising, which is the most basic and primitive way of making money. It is mainly divided into two parts. One is the advertising of the advertising alliance, such as a campus WeChat from the media, 30,000 Fans, now there are thousands of dollars in advertising fees every day; the second is the advertising space set up by the media itself. Because self-media focuses on a certain field, the traffic is more accurate, and the advertising fee is relatively higher.

2, writing to gain income. Netease account’s 10,000 reading volume is about 5 yuan to 6 yuan. It is easier to get high traffic from the media than the public account, because it has no direct relationship with fans. As long as the articles are well written, many newbies will not have any problems. The reading volume can easily exceed 10,000.

NetEase account 1-5 star unit price: The starting unit price is 1.5 yuan, 3 yuan, 8 yuan, 16 yuan, 22 yuan (adjusted according to the content quality judgment).

3. Platform rewards. The NetEase account is based on the star system, and the reward rules are divided into five levels from 1 star to 5 stars. Accounts with more than 3 stars (including 3 stars) can share the bonus pool of this level.

In addition, NetEase also has a video influence ranking list, which provides cash subsidies and resource tilts to video creators with outstanding data performance. Launched the monthly article rankings in vertical fields, in four vertical categories of military, history, technology, and finance, and selected 10 articles on NetEase accounts with good traffic, interaction, and reputation every month, and gave each article a reward of 1,000 yuan .

At the same time, the accounts on the list will receive more resources in terms of exposure position and recommendation weight. NetEase believes in the power of content and is willing to provide higher rights and interests for high-quality content producers.

 Is NetEase's traffic main income high?

The main income of the NetEase account is relatively stable. The 5-star NetEase account can earn an average monthly income of about 15,000 yuan, and the 1-star NetEase account can earn an average monthly income of about 1,500 to 2,000 yuan, and each bank card of the NetEase account can be bound. 5 NetEase withdrawal entities, it is easy for each person to operate dozens of NetEase accounts.

 How many pictures and texts can a NetEase account post in a day?

The NetEase account can only post one article a day when it is registered. After it is upgraded to one star, it can post 10 articles a day, so the probability of our breaking articles is still relatively high.

To sum up, we just registered the NetEase account, and there is no income within 30 days. After reaching the one-star traffic master, the daily income is about 50-70 yuan. Of course, if you operate multiple accounts , the income will double. Reach the highest level, 5 stars, and earn 500 per day, which is very high!

The sharing from the above, the platform is a news release platform. It has been deeply cultivated in the soft article promotion industry for 10 years. With 50,000+ network first-hand media resources, from soft article writing, press releases to news promotion, brand information appears on comprehensive first-class portals, industry portals and Various groups pay high attention to and publish articles on media platforms with obvious promotion effects to complete the final news marketing, with high authority and credibility.

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