What are the news release channels


Press releases are part of a company's permanent, public record and are an important asset in branded content. Every enterprise should only publish news information that is the subject of itself or directly related to itself.

When companies hold important events or have other important news that needs to be announced to the public, they will send the prepared press releases to major media editors, who will then publish them on media platforms.

So, what media channels do companies have when issuing press releases? The following types of media channels are considered to be capable of issuing press releases for companies.

 1. Online media platform

Online media platforms are mainly divided into national portals, local portals and industry portals, etc., and are currently the most preferred channels for corporate press releases. There are many online media platforms, the scale of websites varies, and the content published is also mixed. In order to achieve a better publicity effect, enterprises should give priority to some relatively large and well-known online media platforms to publish their articles. Of course, the review of articles on such platforms is also relatively strict, and the price will be relatively high.

 2. Print media

As the earliest traditional media, newspapers, magazines and other print media still have a stable audience, although they have been impacted by various new media due to the rapid development of Internet technology. It is precisely because print media is the "old school" of media that for many people it is more authoritative.

 3. We media platform

We-media is a more popular media. When publishing press releases on we-media platforms, it is natural to choose a platform with high popularity and large traffic, so that the effect of publishing will be better.

The press releases issued by the above three media channels are all in the form of text + pictures.

For the release of corporate news information, you can also choose the way of video. Enterprises can send edited information videos to video media, and the editors will publish them on media platforms. For video media, it is best to choose mass media such as Tencent, iQiyi, and Youku, which can obtain higher click-through rates.

Compared with video websites, the news review released by TV stations is more strict, and at the same time, it is required to be edited by the personnel in the TV station, so it is difficult for the finished videos produced by enterprises to be broadcast directly on TV. However, enterprises can deliver the video to the online platform of TV media, and the probability of release will be greatly increased.

The platform is a news release platform. It has been deeply cultivated in the soft article promotion industry for 10 years. With 50,000+ network first-hand media resources, from soft article writing, press releases to news promotion, brand information can appear on comprehensive first-class portal websites, industry portal websites and various groups are highly concerned, Publishing a media platform with obvious effect of article promotion to complete the final news marketing, with high authority and credibility.

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