What are the soft essay writing and submission platforms


Soft essay writing and submission platform

What are the submission platforms for the promotion of soft articles?

Generally speaking, these platforms can be divided into two types: one is a media platform, including this news website, portal website, vertical website, social forum, etc.; the other is a self-media platform, including Baijiahao, Toutiaohao, etc. , Sohu account, WeChat public account, Xiaohongshu and other content creation platforms and social platforms.

1. News website

The representative media include: People's Daily Online, Xinhuanet, Guangming.com, China News, etc. The advantage of news websites is that they are displayed faster and spread more widely in various search engines (Baidu, Toutiao, Sogou, etc.) for strict.

2. Portal

Famous portal websites include Sina, NetEase, Sohu, Tencent, Baidu, Xinhuanet, People's Daily Online, Phoenix.com, etc. This kind of news is issued by the self-media, but it is also included in the news. It is particularly well included in various search engines, and its ranking is also very high. The difficulty of publishing is lower than that of national news websites, but it is also stricter.

 3. Vertical website

This kind of website belongs to the industry, such as automobile: Autohome, Chexun.com, and fashion: No.5 Network, 7Liwomen.com, YOKA Fashion Network and so on. Choose a vertical website to publish, and it is best to choose a well-known website in the industry for delivery. The content of vertical websites belonging to the same industry is easy to publish and the review is loose, but the information of the advertisment of different industries is not easy to publish, and it is not directly reviewed.

4. Blog Forum

Representative media include: Sina Blog, Blog Park, Tianya Blog, Tianya Forum, Baidu Tieba, etc. The selection of forums should choose forums with high accuracy, strong popularity, good activity and strong viscosity. The selected forums are viewed from the following aspects: the total number of users, the number of online users, the number of page views and replies to articles in popular sections. The advantage of the forum is that it is easy to send. It is not recommended to choose a good platform with good collection, good ranking, large number of users, and poor.

5. We media

The advantage of self-media lies in its high weight and good collection. The disadvantage is that the content requirements are relatively high and it is easy to be blocked. In addition to Toutiao and WeChat official accounts, other self-media can basically be included by Baidu. When choosing an account, try to choose an account that is similar to the content of the article or the advertiser's industry. For example, advertisers in the tourism industry, when posting articles to select accounts, try to select travel accounts to publish.

The above is the sharing, here is the-soft text self-publishing platform, the platform has settled in more than 30,000 media platforms and self-media platforms, and multiple platforms are one-click submission, affordable, if there is a problem with publishing, please find it.

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