Regarding the press release submission channels, these must be known!


Regarding the press release submission channels, these must be known!

Among the many media websites on the Internet, news media websites of all sizes and mediums have certain authority and popularity. As online media, these news websites are easier to be contacted by public netizens than paper newspapers, and many people even want to contact the website. Put news or soft articles on it. Of course, it may be very difficult for individuals to contact the official media website to release a press release, and not everyone has the authority to issue a press release.

  1. Formal news media websites are almost all run by national or local governments. It is very difficult to find external contact information. Even if you find it, you may not be able to connect to the official manuscript department.

  2. The contact numbers on many media websites may be busy. It is difficult to find an editor who is actually in charge of publishing the news.

  3. Even if you find a person to match the manuscript with, facing you with only one person, the fee may be more expensive, so don’t expect the official to give you the manuscript fee when you provide the manuscript. It’s not bad if you don’t charge you a high fee.

Many agencies/institutions have work requirements for publishing quarterly and annual news, but they cannot find a channel for news media to publish news. How to do?

How to submit articles to the news media? Which channel is better for press release submission?

In fact, almost all news websites can submit articles through the news publishing platform. Nowadays, there are many news publishing platforms on the Internet that have multiple large, medium and small news media resources, and this is one of them. If you want to publish a news media website, you need to register an account and log in first. The background will know the price of the intended media and recharge it, and then select the media to publish the manuscript.

  1. Provide central, provincial, municipal, local and other news website media resources

  2. The self-media resources corresponding to the record of the public institution (for example: China Youth Net Baijia account, etc.)

  3. APP mobile terminals corresponding to news website media (for example: Xinhuanet APP, etc.)

More than 30,000 news media platforms, such as People's Daily Online, Xinhuanet,, International Online, etc. that we are familiar with, can all deliver news through it.

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