News advertisment marketing service provider Elements of writing in corporate brand advertisment marketing copywriting


News advertisment marketing service provider Elements of writing in corporate brand advertisment marketing copywriting said that the ultimate purpose of an enterprise is to gain profits, and what does it rely on to make profits? --product. In order for a company's products to be familiar to consumers, it needs to do a certain amount of publicity. Product promotion copywriting is one of the effective tools for creating sales. Audiences use these words to get the information they need, and then judge whether the product is worth buying. Therefore, product promotion copywriting is a major event in product marketing. Below, I will share with you some of the writing skills we have compiled about corporate product promotion copywriting.

The composition of the writing elements of enterprise product promotion copywriting: said that promotional copywriting generally does not require romantic and gorgeous words. The most important thing is that the text you summarize at the end directly hits the theme, which has the effect of turning stone into gold. You have to grasp the core key points, and then briefly describe the core in concise words, so that the product has the icing on the cake. To do this, it is necessary to read a large number of case materials, understand products, markets, and customers, grasp the core, and deepen creativity, in order to achieve results. Now let's focus on the elements of writing in the corporate product promotion copy.

01 Title

The title is the first point of writing a copy. The quality of the title directly leads to the question of whether the customer is interested in the copy. If you randomly write a title, such as "XX mask", what information can the title bring to the reader? , To be honest, except for a product name, the information is really not big, so when writing the title of the copy, we must pay attention to three points:

a. Get the reader's attention and attract readers to read your copy to learn about the product.

b. Convey complete information and highlight the features of the product on the title. The title is eye-catching to distinguish the product from similar products.

c. Guide readers to read the information below. If the title cannot attract readers, who will calm down and read your article?

02 format

The article format is clear and concise:

a. Don't write too long paragraphs, generally control each paragraph to about 150 words. It is too long, and it is easy to cause the reader's visual fatigue.

b. Try to use subtitles with generalizations. Summarize the performance characteristics of the product one by one with subtitles, so that readers can understand the product more conveniently.

c. Use as many lists or key points as possible, and summarize them by key points, so that the product can be clearly seen in front of consumers.

03 Words stated that the use of words is mainly reflected in the writing, and the requirements for the use of words should generally be concise and vivid, with initiative. At the same time, some vocabulary can also be used according to the type of product. For example, for daily necessities, we can use some more down-to-earth words to introduce the product. You can also use more pleasant words to drive consumers' emotions. At the same time, you should also pay attention to objectivity when introducing products, and do not use too many extreme and exaggerated words, which will cause consumers to question the product, which is counterproductive.

04 Benefits pointed out that a good copy must write clearly, what benefits the products introduced in the copy can bring to customers. For example, when writing about XX mask, you can use a list to list the "five reasons for choosing XX mask", and when customers want to buy a mask, they will think of XX mask, all reasons, so that customers have to choose this product. This is the main reason why many marketers think from the perspective of users and why they want to increase customer experience!

Here are some small details to note:

a. Try to choose the nickname of "you, you" in the address, and avoid polite words such as "me, us, our products". Because too many polite words will create a sense of distance.

b. Tell the benefits by function, and present the benefits of a good product in many ways.

05 Emotions

The writing of product copy should directly litigate emotions. You must make sure that the purpose of writing this copy is to guide customers to believe in your product and buy your product. Then you should reflect it in the article and let readers know that this article It is to cause customers to read the article "I want to buy" instead of "I need" to read the article, so as to achieve the customer's desire to buy. It is to visualize the benefits of the product. Under the condition of ensuring the truth, the better the product description, the better, so that customers feel that buying your product is very cost-effective, very satisfied, and willing.

06 numbers

Speak with numbers, and use accurate numbers as much as possible, it is more effective and beneficial to convince the product, such as "using our XX computer can help you save 30% of the cost, rather than saying that using our product can save you a lot. Cost", etc., the accurate figures are more convincing!

The benefits of speaking with numbers:

a. Get authenticity, improve your self-confidence and the authenticity of the manufacturer, and there is no false information.

b. Prove that the enterprise is serious and responsible for its own products, that is, responsible for customers.

07 Call to Action

After the copywriting, give the reader a clear prompt, and a clear prompt to buy next!

The above are some writing skills about corporate product promotion copywriting, I hope it can be helpful to you in the future copywriting writing.

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