Using 'scientific consumption' to help the free flow of consumer information


On October 25th, the second "Meet Fengtai·Discover Beijing Color" Fengtai Enterprise Digital Consumption Special Conference was held in Beijing. Hosted by the Park Management Committee, high-tech enterprises in Fengtai District were invited to gather at the scene, focusing on the digital economy to empower smart city construction, and to release their respective cutting-edge technological achievements. Worth Buy Technology attended this event as a representative of e-commerce enterprises.

Zhang Aichao, Vice President of Strategic Operations of Worth Buying Technology, introduced the new brand proposition of the company's main business "What is Worth Buying", as well as two innovative products independently developed by the subsidiary World Research Index and Value Digital Technology - the consumer industry evaluation system "World Research Brand Influence Index" and consumption data analysis product "Value Consumer Insight Platform". "Through scientific consumption guidelines for C-end consumers and data products and services for B-end supply side, we will continuously improve the connection efficiency between B-end and C-end, and jointly promote the free flow of consumer information." Zhang Aichao said.

It is understood that the special press conference of enterprise innovation achievements is an important measure for Fengtai District to optimize the regional scientific and technological innovation ecology and strengthen services for enterprises. Fengtai District will continue to carry out normalized special release activities for enterprises, and invite enterprises in the district to make special releases on urban innovation cooperation, enterprise innovation and development, investment in growth goals, high-end talent needs, and the relationship between government and business. Promote enterprise access to scenario applications, investment and financing docking, scientific research institutes and large enterprise resources, and cooperation opportunities with scientific and technological service institutions, and help enterprises grow and develop.

Worth Buying Technology, as a technology company rooted in Fengtai District, Beijing, has been focusing on the consumer industry for more than ten years, and has now become a technology group centered on consumer content, marketing services, and consumer data. The three business sectors work together with each other. , continue to be committed to improving the connection efficiency between C-end consumers and B-end brands/e-commerce, and actively feed back regional economic development through its own service capabilities. Zhang Aichao introduced that the company has participated in Fengtai District's consumer season activities for three consecutive years. As the main front of online consumption in Fengtai District, it actively promotes the integration of online and offline consumption in Fengtai District. With its high-quality service capabilities, Worth-Buy Technology has been repeatedly recognized and commended by government departments and the industry.

In recent years, with the continuous maturity of the consumer market and consumers, consumer demand has become more and more personalized, and the demand for user experience and actual utility has become more and more refined, and the trend of scientific consumption has gradually become a fashion. Therefore, in September, "What's Worth Buying" carried out a brand upgrade, and released a new brand proposition of "scientific consumption, serious life", and the product side was also upgraded accordingly, in order to help consumers make consumption decisions more scientifically.

"The mission of worth buying technology is to make every consumption feel happy." Zhang Aichao analyzed, "In terms of society, scientific consumption is to provide people with effective consumption decision-making suggestions, improve the consumption structure of residents, further release the potential of market consumption, and help realize the realization of the people. Yearning for a better life. As far as the market is concerned, when consumers’ mentality generally tends to be rational, scientific consumption can help people achieve a more scientific resource allocation and help accelerate the recovery of the consumer market. As far as consumers are concerned, scientific consumption It can help consumers to establish a more comprehensive and systematic scientific consumption cognition, make every shopping worthwhile, let them improve the quality of life within the scope of their ability, and improve the consumer happiness index, so as to build an individual's happy life. ."

In addition to relying on the "Scientific Consumption Guide" to serve consumers, Worth Buying Technology also expects to fully implement the concept of scientific development into business development and social economy through data products and services. At this meeting, Zhang Aichao also highlighted the "Brand Influence Index" and "Consumption Insight Platform" independently developed by its subsidiaries, World Research Index and Value Digital Technology.

Shiyan Technology is a technology enterprise based on full data and professional insight ability index products and services. Its main business scope includes: domestic index research, market research, public opinion monitoring and international communication business. Among them, the "brand influence index" is based on the evaluation logic of three dimensions of competitiveness, brand power and communication power according to the different brand subjects, role objects and influence levels, and has created a set of evaluation logic that can be widely used in different brands. The index methodology of the comprehensive evaluation of the subject, the role object, and the impact level can help enterprises to better formulate digital marketing plans.

Value Digital Technology is a technology company based on worth buying consumer data and digital technology, providing data platform product development and application. "Consumption Insight Platform" can provide data analysis services to brand owners, consulting companies, financial institutions, investment companies, etc. Through consumption data analysis, it can improve the efficiency of connection between consumers and products and brands, and provide data services, decision support and value. Operation to help governments, enterprises and institutions gain insight into business value. In the future, Value Digital also looks forward to providing decision-making basis for government consumption policy formulation and enterprise consumption business layout through the consumption insight platform, helping to improve the efficiency of government services and promoting the digital transformation of traditional enterprises.

Zhang Aichao said, "The company hopes to efficiently connect the C-side and the B-side through the linkage of various products and services, so that the concept of scientific consumption can be better implemented in the decision-making process of consumers and the development process of enterprises, and enhance the technology industry. Innovation, effectively release the potential of consumption growth, and promote the high-quality development of the consumer industry."

In the future, Worth Buying Technology will not only provide scientific consumption guides for millions of users and better serve the people's yearning for a better life, but also make its own contribution to the construction of a dual-cycle pattern through the efficient flow of consumption information and help more Chinese brands go global, continue to promote the transformation, upgrading and sustainable development of the consumer industry, and inject more impetus into the high-quality development of the Chinese economy.

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