How can companies and individuals do a good job in publishing soft papers?


Posting press releases is a promotion method that many companies and individuals are doing now. It is loved by everyone because of its high cost performance and long-term effectiveness. However, there are still many skills that need to be paid attention to. Today, this article will focus on everyone. Talk about what needs to be paid attention to in the process of publishing soft articles. After all, better mastering the delivery skills can make the delivery more cost-effective.

 What should be paid attention to when publishing soft articles

1. Media prices to understand

Because there are many media that can put advertisment, it can be said that there are thousands of them, and the price of each media is different, so you need to know more when you put it, and you must learn to check the weight of the corresponding media. Know the value of this media website. For example, the central media usually needs hundreds or even two or three hundred articles, while the portal or industry vertical website needs dozens of articles. Small media websites can be published for a dozen or even a few dollars. It is necessary to fully understand the media price before, so as to better control the expenses.

 2. Media Type Matters

Because the types of media put on by different industries are also different, for example, if your company does beauty makeup, then focus on putting it on the website of the beauty industry, rather than on irrelevant media such as automobiles and real estate. The type of media should be different from your own. The enterprise user group is consistent, so as to better convert.

Of course, this does not mean that only media of the same type as your own enterprise users can be placed, such as some central media, large portal websites, local media, etc. can also be placed. After all, many media are news and information type, and the user group is relatively broad. of.

Of course, some companies may only be local users. At this time, media selection can be made by region. For example, if the target group is from Guangdong, then the media in Guangdong can be selected for publication.

3. Media Selection

Although adverts are placed on media websites, more traffic for adverts comes from search engines, because if adverts are indexed by search engines, they will continuously get traffic from search engines. Therefore, when choosing media, it is necessary to Note that you should try to choose media that are well included and have relatively high weights, because these media are easier to be included by Baidu, and they are also easier to get rankings, that is, they can get a better effect. Therefore, it is better to focus on medium and large media for publication.

4. Press release rhythm

In fact, the release of soft articles depends on their own budget. Generally speaking, the budget of large companies will be higher. In this case, various media types can be released, such as central media, portals, local media, vertical media, and small and medium-sized websites. All can be put in, in short, large, medium and small media can be put in, and the specific proportion depends on their own budget.

Small and micro enterprises or personal budgets will be relatively small. In this case, more control is required, and large media should be placed less, focusing on small and medium-sized media, because many small and medium-sized media are also very cost-effective. Industry vertical media You can also invest more, let the money be spent on the cutting edge, and spend less money to do more things.

The above is a summary of the relevant knowledge of the press release. I hope it can help you. In short, the promotion of the press release is a promotion method that seems to be simple, but has many details in operation. I hope you can learn more and practice more. In actual combat Find a better way.

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