Which media publishing platforms are more popular?


 1. Venture capital

Venture capital media is one of the most popular media directions at the moment, mainly including entrepreneurial articles and investment articles. The articles carried by this type of media have no industry restrictions, and can target all categories of entrepreneurship and investment, so they have a wide audience and high coverage.

Both start-up companies and companies starting to raise funds need large-scale and vigorous publicity. This type of media is the best choice for companies to quickly promote information.

The more prominent high-quality media in this category are: Chuangyebang, iDark Horse, 36Kr, investment circles, entrepreneurs, investors, investment China, etc.

 2. Technology

With the advent of the Internet, intelligence, technology and other trends of the times, technology has become an element closely related to people's daily life.

Choosing a professional and dedicated website to discuss and collect the latest scientific and technological information is the norm for technology practitioners and enthusiasts.

Publishing technology-related articles and selecting technology media websites can target the target group and improve the reading effect of the articles.

The relatively high-quality technology media include: Titanium Media, Leifeng.com, Sutu.com, iResearch, techweb, Geek Park, Hunting Cloud, etc.

3. Automobile

China's huge population base and vast geographic area make the auto market bright. Although buying a car is not as simple as buying cabbage as the joke says, buying a car is no longer a problem for most families.

More people struggle with choosing a car brand than price. As a result, the marketing wars among various auto brands are extremely fierce. Similarly, users in need will also go to the car website to search for relevant information and inquire about car information.

If it is in the automobile industry, articles about automobiles are published in the automobile industry information station, and the traffic will be greater.

As far as soft article marketing is concerned, websites such as Autohome, Aika Auto, and Pacific Auto have attracted a lot of attention.

 Fourth, comprehensive news

If your publicity information industry is not clearly differentiated, or it belongs to brand news, in addition to choosing the corresponding channels of the four comprehensive portals, you can also choose interface news, Yibang Power, Yiou.com, Winshang.com, Huxiu.com and other media, will Articles with valuable content are published in these media channels and will be paid attention to by more business people.

In general, you get what you pay for, and the more high-quality media, the price will definitely not be lower. For small and medium-sized enterprises, if they do not have a large budget, it is the most appropriate to choose media with high cost performance.

Now, we will teach you a little trick on the press release platform. The higher the weight of the media, the greater the traffic and exposure. If you want to know which industry media is high-quality, go to the press release platform, choose the industry, and then choose the computer weight or The mobile weights are arranged in descending order, and the one in the front must be the high-quality media.

To judge whether a media is a high-quality media, it can be confirmed by the weight, whether it is a Baidu news source, etc., but to judge whether this media is the most suitable media for your publication, you must also consider the content of the publication, the budget for publication, the company industry and other factors Come and see.

As far as the choice of publishing media is concerned, it is not the most expensive or the best, but the most suitable is the best quality.

On the publishing platform, in addition to the above-mentioned industries, there are also common industry media such as health care, education and training, parent-child, mother-infant and so on. You can use the skills we teach you to find high-quality media in the industry.

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