How to obtain the source of soft essay writing materials?


Writing an essay is like building a house, and the materials for writing an essay are like the cement, sand, strength, bricks and other raw materials needed to build a house. Common soft essay writing materials and sources are mainly divided into the following three categories.

 1. Knowledge sharing materials: from books and the Internet, etc.

By systematically reading books in relevant professional fields, writers can quickly understand the knowledge system and structure of the field, supplement new knowledge on the basis of reading classics, and establish their own thinking and writing model library and material list library. According to different writing themes, the knowledge theory, thinking model, writing framework, rhetoric and other materials of the original materials in the book are applied to the specific soft essay writing.

In addition to reading books, you can also browse knowledge-based learning platforms, websites and public accounts of knowledge-based self-media people. Find and organize interesting content and key points by quickly browsing the title, think about the writing angle of the editorial and build a writing framework, and refine the content and materials required for the editorial for processing and output.

 2. Practical skills materials: derived from their own work experience, practical experience and successful cases, etc.

Practical skills materials mainly come from daily work and learning exchanges, such as problem-solving skills used in the workplace, skills in communicating with customers, skills in handling interpersonal relationships, and application skills in office software; or Experience accumulated in a certain industry or work, such as practical experience in project operation, marketing promotion, advertising, etc.; or the successful cases and experiences of others obtained from participating in learning and training or peer gatherings, these are all good essay writing materials source. In addition, it is necessary to consciously record the work and summarize and output these experiences on a regular basis, so that it can be "hands-on" when it is needed.

3. Emotional story materials: derived from life insights, emotional experiences and movie scenes

Emotional story materials mainly come from personal experiences in life, what happened around you, what you read in articles, what you hear in communication with people, and stories or insights you see on TV or movies. As long as you are good at observing, discovering with your heart, and truly understanding, emotional story materials can be seen everywhere. For example, if you can focus on the theme of the editorial in the writing of the editorial, the vegetables of such notices can be superimposed and used, that is, the clever combination of the same or similar story materials accumulated will make the editorial more appealing.

To write a good essay, rich writing materials are the foundation and premise. Only by accumulating enough high-quality writing materials can the theme of the press release be more prominent and the content more substantial; it can also enable the writer of the press release to be like flowing water and writing like a god.

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