What is the best website to publish soft articles on?


At present, the promotion of soft articles is a main method in network marketing. No matter what industry it is about, high-quality soft article marketing will be more dominant than many other marketing promotion methods, so what kind of soft article promotion are there when promoting Is the website worthy of our attention? The following editors have sorted out the mainstream platforms for the promotion of soft articles.

  1. Blog

Blog is one of the earliest software publishing platforms. If you want to promote online traffic and achieve good brand promotion purposes, you can choose the way of blogging. What you need to pay attention to is to choose a high-weight third-party blog, so that can get better results.

Among the various blogs today, Sina blog has comparative advantages. We need to find the category of the industry on the blog, and then build a page dedicated to publishing information on our website, and then set the SEO label and the selection of the avatar. Can use our brand logo, or the image of the main products sold, the introduction and the road inside the webpage should be clearly written.

The demand for soft articles published on the blog has its own value, and the demand has value and applicability to users, and it should be an original article as much as possible. The purpose of publishing articles on the blog is to attract traffic, do outreach, and then gain the weight of improving my website, which will constitute a virtuous circle in the long run.

  1. Baidu Post Bar

As a product of Baidu, its ranking in Baidu is very good, there is no doubt about this, and the difficulty of publishing articles is lower than other Baidu products. At the same time, after Baidu's adjustment, the inclusion of Tieba articles has a big improvement. Therefore, Tieba is a worthy advertisment promotion website.

What needs to be paid attention to is that we should not be too impatient when promoting, don’t just register a new account and immediately post an article, you must raise an account first, and if you publish a soft article after the level of the equal sign is high, it will not be so easy to be deleted. .

When writing the title of the Tieba soft article, you should pay attention to the planning of keywords. It needs to make people want to click and understand, and it also needs to fit everyone's search habits. Key words should be presented in the first paragraph of the soft article, but it should not be too rigid. It should be natural and friendly to search engines, which can improve the probability of inclusion.

  1. Sohu We Media and Baijiahao

Sohu and Baijia are both self-media platforms. In today’s booming self-media era, it is very necessary to promote on self-media platforms. Search engines will give these platforms more weight. What we need to do is better. If you use this advantage to create high-quality soft articles, you will get more obvious effects. At the same time, if you have a relatively high level in the platform, you can set up advertisements, so that you can get more brand exposure and traffic.

Baijiahao is a product of Baidu. As a high-quality press release website, if you publish high-quality press releases in it, it will greatly increase the inclusion of Baidu’s search index, and you can get double the exposure. On the other hand, Sohu We-Media has been continuously favored by search engines and has a high weight. It is easier to be included in articles posted on it, but it requires long-term accumulation of articles to get better results.

The above content comes from the sharing. The platform is a news release platform. It has been deeply cultivated in the soft article promotion industry for 10 years. With 50,000+ network first-hand media resources, from soft article writing, press releases to news promotion, brand information can appear on comprehensive first-class portal websites, industry portal websites and various groups are highly concerned, Publish articles on a media platform with obvious promotion effects to complete the final news marketing, with high authority and credibility

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