How to write attractive business papers


In today's era of information explosion, all kinds of network information are constantly emerging. Everyone is experiencing the convenience of the economic information network era all the time, and at the same time, they are also bombarded by various information. It is precisely because of the rapid and extensive transmission of information on the Internet that enterprises also use network channels for marketing.

So far, online promotion has become more and more difficult, the promotion methods are ever-changing, and the cost of advertising is getting higher and higher. Ads are relatively low-cost, effective, and widely used marketing activities. For companies to use soft articles for promotion, it is important to write good commercial soft articles. So how to write a commercial soft paper?

 1. Refine the selling point of the product

Before writing an excellent commercial soft paper, we must have a very high understanding of the product and be familiar with all aspects of the product's functions, so that we can extract attractive core selling points. Ads can properly package the selling point of the product, but don’t exaggerate.

False propaganda is not advocated, because false copywriting will seriously damage users' trust in our products, and even excessive packaging may violate advertising laws and be suspected of commercial fraud.

 2. Catch the target audience

The advantage of the soft article is that he can make radial recommendations for the active direction, gender, age, hobbies, etc. of the target group. In the process of writing soft articles, we need to understand what the target users want to see and what kind of keyword search habits they will have.

3. Articles should be interesting and valuable

Everyone likes to hear stories, not long-winded doctrinal sermons. After reading the long text in its entirety, what can attract readers and successfully convert it must depend on the high value endowed by the article itself, so that users can identify and choose, so that readers have a sense of resonance and identity. Therefore, it is suggested that you can start with stories, life characters, etc., so that readers can resonate with characters in the process of reading.

 4. Ingeniously add product content

Since it is a commercial soft article, it must have product or enterprise introduction. It is not recommended to write articles directly into advertisements, because this is very bad for the user's reading experience, and the articles will not be saved by the platform for a long time, so they cannot be deposited on the platform. It is still advisable to use the writing forms of stories, life characters and other writing forms to write the editorial, and also to find a cooperative promotion channel in order to expose the content of the editorial and maximize the value of the editorial. On what platform is it published? Which platforms are recorded well? These are all points we need to take into account.

There are too many platforms on the Internet that can publish press releases, but if you happen to choose a platform that has no weight and no traffic, no matter how much you post on these platforms, there will be no good traffic.

In addition, you can choose channels that are compatible with the products or services you want to promote. For example, beauty advertisements can be posted on Xiaohongshu, training and education adverts can be posted on Zhihu, and maternal and infant advertisements can be posted on Zhihu. To baby tree, mother net, etc.

In short, we must first analyze the user group, and then find the platform where the corresponding crowd is concentrated to publish soft articles, and then we must continue to update and release. Only by publishing frequently can we get a certain recommendation and traffic in the channel, and it can also show the professionalism of the enterprise and the release. Stability is helpful for the collection, display and conversion of soft articles.

The above content comes from the sharing. The platform is a news release platform. It has been deeply cultivated in the soft article promotion industry for 10 years. With 50,000+ network first-hand media resources, from soft article writing, press releases to news promotion, brand information can appear on comprehensive first-class portal websites, industry portal websites and various groups are highly concerned, Publish articles on a media platform with obvious promotion effects to complete the final news marketing, with high authority and credibility

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