Why is corporate news poorly written?


First-class companies write news, second-class companies advertise.

Press releases are very important for brands, companies and products to establish a positive image and allow more people to correctly recognize you. Press release writing plays a very important role in brand marketing.

 Why is corporate news poorly written?

1. News and propaganda are stupidly unclear

News renewed. Propaganda is guided by preset, constant goals and requires repeated indoctrination of the propaganda object with the same content. And news dissemination taboo platitudes. Propaganda is inherently disadvantaged in this respect compared to the constant rolling of news.

Advertisements are often the subject of audience criticism for the prime time period of the electronic media. Some officials frequently use the media to extol their political achievements, and the media suffers greatly, because such behavior can only scare away the audience.

Propaganda emphasizes opinions and news emphasizes facts. What propaganda spreads is always a certain idea, which usually manifests as a certain theory, program, policy, moral proposition, etc. Even if certain facts are disseminated, these facts serve the above-mentioned ideas. And news dissemination is inseparable from specific facts that are not based on human will.

Propaganda has personal feelings and stances, lacks objectivity, and often entertains and entertains oneself, but news needs to be balanced, and propaganda activities always have a strong tendency. Journalism, on the other hand, focuses on painting a complete picture of the world with comprehensive, informative, and up-to-date facts.

 2. The cliché and cliché of the eight-gut tone are deeply poisonous

A lot of corporate news, if measured by the standard of news, it is blunt to say that most of the articles are propaganda, not news at all. There are only some conference news that can be called news, and let us write it too hard to read.

"Change of behavior must first update the concept." Many internal journal reporters and editors received some old-fashioned journalism education in school, and some did not even receive basic training in news writing. some inherent news concepts and writing habits.

For example, many party and government agencies and corporate propagandists feel distressed about the conference report, thinking that it is "too dead", "it's nothing", and "it's just the reporting procedure". In China's mainstream metropolitan newspapers, reporters love to run to the conference because There is also "big news" buried in the conference. As long as reporters pay attention to digging, write the conference live and write it thoroughly, the conference news will not become a synonym for rigid and boring.

Readers care about what was disclosed in the meeting, what was the purpose of the meeting, and what was the outcome, not the procedure of the meeting. The power of these outdated concepts and habits is powerful. To renew the concepts and break the inertia, we must first take the initiative to strengthen the learning.

 3. News template

The most dissatisfying thing to the public in the Chinese media is that the more important news, the more important people appear, the more important speeches, the more important foreign affairs meetings, the more important awards conferences, the more important the Chinese media will be. Templated, Facebooked and Stylized.

For example: a report template for a conference:

A so-and-so department, on a certain day, in a so-and-so place, held a so-and-so meeting, and the leaders of the central party, such as a .

The atmosphere of the meeting was grand. The leader of XX announced the start of the meeting, and the leader of XX made a speech in the warm applause.

Meeting First...Second...Next...Last...

(Leadership speeches are long, but direct quotations are rarely used.)

Report template of foreign affairs meeting:

The leader of such and such met with the leader of such and such country in such and such places on such and such days.

The two sides had a cordial (or productive) conversation.

Template-style cases of these reports abound. Open any mainstream newspaper every day, and the least readable news published on it must have been produced strictly according to the propaganda model. And those of us insiders who have been deeply harmed by it actually take this as a "golden rule", and in turn poison others.

4. Can't tell stories

When telling a story, think about what the user wants. The content pushed by many enterprise platforms is either a speech by a leader or an enterprise soft article, without considering what users need at all. So how do you start from user needs? You have to remember that the protagonist is not a company, nor a product, but a person. Highlighting people's individuality and highlighting the consensus emotional connection point of mass media communication are the characteristics of news communication.

From the user's point of view, the second is to promote the extension of the brand.

News is not just "News" but "Story" etc. Secondly, read some news works that broke the old-fashioned journalism concept first, such as the news collection and writing dry goods pushed by the official account of "Southern Media Academy" and some news reports on "Southern Weekend". At the same time, put these new ideas into practice in the news writing of your own corporate news.

5. Fear of writing, afraid to write

To write is to put together what you want to say with words. A true feeling is a good article, and the gorgeous rhetoric and rich rhetoric only modify the article. Southern Media Academy believes that as long as you can write and speak, connecting sentences into paragraphs is an article. Don't be afraid to write, be bold to try and make mistakes. Articles are written over and over again and revised again and again.

If the news of the party, government and enterprises is not well written, it is possible to fall into the kitchen without rice. Writing must be made with emotion, and it is necessary to have a deep understanding and perception of the object of writing, so it is necessary to dig out good relevant materials. How to collect materials? In addition to relying on personal experience, more rely on interviews. Seven points are written in three points, the interviews are insufficient, no matter how good the writing is, the news should not be nonsense and make up assumptions.

6. I haven't systematically studied news gathering and writing training, and Ye Luzi messed up.

Corporate news gathering and writing training is a systematic discipline, and the layman is watching the excitement and the expert is watching the doorway.

First of all, it is necessary to have basic regular cognition, unity of knowledge and action, and practice to find problems, and then solve problems according to them, which will be very effective and have a sense of achievement.

It is highly recommended that the Southern Media Academy, which has a high reputation in journalism and the industry and is known as "Journalism Whampoa, the cradle of journalists, systematically learns, teaches them how to fish, and solves pain points once and for all."

The above content comes from the sharing. The platform is a news release platform. It has been deeply cultivated in the soft article promotion industry for 10 years. With 50,000+ network first-hand media resources, from soft article writing, press releases to news promotion, brand information can appear on comprehensive first-class portal websites, industry portal websites and various groups are highly concerned, Publish articles on a media platform with obvious promotion effects to complete the final news marketing, with high authority and credibility

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