Five elements of press release writing


News is a relatively special style, and its particularity is mainly manifested in its structural form, that is, to put the most important and most important things for readers to understand, that is, the so-called inverted pyramid structure or inverted triangle structure.

News generally consists of five parts: title, lead, main body, background and conclusion.

1. Title

Headlines are very important to news, whether a piece of news is attractive or not, the headline plays a very important role.

The headline of the news generally consists of the introduction, the main topic and the subtopic.

Introductory questions are also called shoulder questions and eyebrow questions. They are used to explain the background, highlight the theme, explain the reasons, etc. Generally, there is no substantive content, and they are usually called "imaginary questions".

The title, also known as the theme, reflects the central content or main facts of the news event, and has substantial content, usually referred to as the "substantial title".

Subtopics, also known as subtopics and auxiliary topics, are used to supplement the insufficiency of the main topic.

Not every news article needs to have a multi-line headline, but it must have a main title, and the introduction and subtitles can vary from text to text, adding as needed.

A good headline must be eye-catching, engaging, lively, interesting, humorous, and able to attract readers' attention and make readers pay attention to the news. Therefore, the title must be accurate and clear, but also as lively and vivid as possible.

2. Introduction

Lead language is a unique concept of news. Lead language means to guide and induce, and it can play the role of guiding and introducing the subject.

Due to the particularity of the news structure, the lead language is in a very important position in the news. The quality of the lead language determines the success or failure of the news. Therefore, the lead language is called the eyes of the news and the life of the news. Special attention is paid to the writing of the introduction.

The introduction is mostly the first sentence or the first paragraph of the news. The basic requirement of its writing is to get straight to the point, point to the theme, and allow readers to grasp the main content and essence of the news accurately and quickly after reading the introduction.

News has five elements, namely when (When), where (Where), who (Who), what (What), why (Why), also known as "5W". These five elements should be explained clearly in the introduction.

The introduction usually takes the following ways.

  1. The abstract type is to summarize the most important and fresh facts in the introduction in the most concise language. For example, the content that the leader emphasizes in his speech can be written in the introduction.

  2. Descriptive style is to describe a scene scene in the introduction, and use this scene scene as the introduction. This kind of introduction is very scene-like and very eye-catching.

  3. Question-and-answer type, that is, using the way of asking questions to lead to the following. Ask the question first, and then guide the reader to find the answer to the question below.

In addition, there are writing methods such as dramatic lead, citation lead, and conclusion lead.

3. Subject

The main body is the most important part of news, just like a person's torso. News can have no ending, background or lead, but it cannot be without the main body. The role of the subject is to further explain, explain or supplement the facts presented in the introduction.

The writing of the main body should meet the writing requirements of general narrative essays.

In terms of content, the main body should be prominent in the center, rich in content, substantial in theory, typical cases, and complete in expression.

In terms of structure, it can be ordered by time or by logic, but it requires a rigorous structure, clear layers, and natural origins and transitions.

In terms of expression, some literary techniques and rhetorical techniques can be used. The most important thing is to write the facts in a specific, vivid, profound and interesting way.

The main part can be the description of the background, the process and progress of the event, or an answer to the facts put forward by the introduction.

You can use a frontal narrative or a side foil, and you can also have concise action descriptions, subtle environmental descriptions, and more appropriate direct quotations. The content should be lively and full, and the expression should be accurate and effective.

4. Background

Context refers to the historical conditions and environment in which news events occur.

In order to describe the facts clearly, clearly and profoundly, it is necessary to explain the ins and outs of the facts, the causes and consequences, the connection between this incident and the surrounding things, and its status in the whole incident, etc. This naturally forms the background of the news .

The purpose of writing the background is to set off the subject, deepen the reader's understanding of the event, and enhance the knowledge, interest and readability of the news.

Background materials generally include the following:

One is the contrasting background, such as the contrast between the present and the past, the contrast between the front and the back, etc., through contrast, a strong contrast is formed.

The second is the descriptive background, explaining the evolution of history, geographical environment, historical evolution, pointing out the background of the event, and highlighting the significance of the event.

The third is the annotative background, which is to explain the life experience of the characters, the performance of the tools, the terminology, the customs and so on.

 5. Ending

The end of the news is the closing text added to strengthen the theme after the main news facts are stated in the news work.

The ending of news is different from the ending of general articles, it is not only an external form of structure, but also an extension and supplement of news facts.

News reports the facts. Generally speaking, after reporting the facts, it can end naturally without adding another ending.

However, some non-event news, such as experience news, commentary news, etc., often need to be synthesized, summarized and summarized, which makes it necessary to add an ending. Even if it is an event news, sometimes it needs to express its own thoughts and attitudes, so it is necessary to add an ending.

Although this ending is an "addition", it is by no means superfluous, but an organic part of the full text.

At the end of the news, the news should be closely related to the facts of the news, and it should be brief and powerful. When it is necessary to discuss, it should also proceed from the facts, inspire and induce, and not bluntly preach.

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