Basics of Press Release Writing


In university life, various activities such as lectures, evening parties and competitions emerge one after another. As the finishing touch to the summary of activities, the writing of the press release is the icing on the cake for the summary of activities. Then, for beginners of press releases, in order to write an excellent press release, after completing the basic review of the event, it is necessary to describe and express the event beautifully, and to broaden the form and content of the press release. The new channels on the Internet should not stick to rigid routines. The old saying goes: "There is no fixed law in the text." Although the overall layout of the manuscript is similar, there is no uniform standard, and it varies from text to person.

The following are some basic matters that need to be paid attention to when writing a press release compiled by the editor. On this basis, everyone can play independently and write a press release of different forms belonging to each person, including "writing basic formats", "commonly used" Vocabulary Template" and "Detailed Attention" for reference.

Topic 1

manuscript type

1. News

News generally reports a single fact, highlighting the freshest and most important facts, with concise text and the strongest timeliness. It is generally divided into five parts: title, lead, body, background and epilogue.

 2. Communication

Newsletter is a news genre that reports objective facts or typical characters in a more detailed and vivid way than news. It mainly uses narrative and description, and uses expressions such as discussion, lyricism and rhetoric to timely report influential people and events in real life. , work experience and local customs.

3. Close-up

News feature is an important and expressive genre in news genres. With description as the main method, it is a visual report of "representation", "news event, news person" and "moment". Important scenes, or one or two fragments with special significance, are given a concentrated and prominent depiction with descriptive techniques, "enlargement" and "representation" of characteristic real events in front of readers, leaving deep and distinct impressions on people. Impressions make people feel like they are there, see people, and hear their voices.

 4. Interview

A news interview is a report written after a reporter selects an interview object in advance and conducts a special on-site visit to a specific character, style, event and scenery. Highly readable news genre.


A news commentary is an article with certain views and opinions on the latest news. It is a political essay style with clear pertinence and guidance to discuss and reason about current news events and major issues of general significance. , is a general term for various forms of commentary in the news media.

Topic 2

Common vocabulary templates

1. "Take ... as XX"

As the foundation (base point), as the core (center), as the foundation, as the key point, as the measure (means), as the carrier (platform), as the guarantee (guarantee backing), as the opportunity, as the overall, as the starting point, as the goal, For the driving force, for the support, for the breakthrough, for the purpose, for the key, for the guide, for the purpose, for the support, for the guidance, for the guidance, for the direction, for the driving, for the main body, for the supplement, for the standard, for the main line, for the theme .

 2, the three characters "for"

It is a foothold, a starting point, an entry point, a breakthrough, a foothold, a shining point, a combination point, a fundamental point, a growth point, a focus point, a driving force point, and a key point.

3. The three characters "yu":

Based on, focusing on, running through.

 4. The term "progressive"

Day by day, day by day, day by day, day by day, constantly, gradually, steadily, intensify, deepen, optimize, deepen, advance, promote, promote.

 5. The term "establishment class and degree class"

Explore, implement, implement, consolidate, establish, improve, construct, build, strive for, create, standardize, perfect, innovate, intensify, intensify, intensify, accelerate, accelerate, intensify, deepen, strict, highlight, enhance, improve, Create, fast and efficient.

 6. "Four Guides"

Publicity and advocacy, service guidance, demonstration guidance, supervision and supervision.

7. "New XXX"

New mechanism, new way, new model, new environment, new carrier, new approach, new breakthrough, new advantage, new direction, new leap, new development, new trend, new expectation, new situation, new pattern, new achievement, new change , a new look.

Topic 3

Good words

When writing articles, we must not only maintain the authenticity of the press release, but also enhance the literary quality of the article. The following are good words and sentences compiled by the editor in the "People's Daily", let's learn together.

 Applicable theme: New Long March Road

We are enjoying the sunshine of peace in the new era and writing the chapter of struggle in the new era.

Applicable theme: science and technology power

Only with heroic ambition, steadfastness, confidence to win, hard work, and self-transcendence can we promote the development of aerospace technology and build a strong aerospace country.

 Applicable Theme: Persistence

  1. Youthful spirit is the precipitation of Qianfan's weightlifting, and it is also the open-mindedness of life with an optimistic and indifferent smile.

  2. The slowest pace is not walking, but wandering; the fastest pace is not sprinting, but persistence.

Applicable theme: hard work

Do not be afraid of tens of thousands of miles every day, speak tens of thousands of words every day, and do not be afraid of tens of thousands of things every day.

Applicable themes: Faithfulness, Faith

  1. The waves of truth, when they spew out, are incessantly flowing; the ideal flame, once ignited, will not be extinguished.

  2. The enemy is extremely vicious, but it cannot change the courage and loyalty;

  3. Death can destroy the body, but faith lasts forever.

 Applicable themes: life, greatness

Life cannot be skipped. There must be someone who dares to choose the most difficult path, and there must be someone who puts life ahead of interests.

Applicable themes: Patriotism, Endeavor

Times are changing, and so are the young faces, but the goal of patriotism and the pursuit of progress will never change, the background of the red gene will never change, and the spirit of always forging ahead in the forefront of the times will never change.

Applicable Topic: Pursuit

  1. The road is at the foot, and the heart is far away. Dare to build dreams, have the courage to pursue dreams, be diligent in realizing dreams, and be ambitious, backboned, and confident aerospace youths. This is our unchanging original intention and our unremitting pursuit.

  2. Pay attention to the protection of black land as much as the protection of giant pandas, increase the supply of green and high-quality products, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the granary of a big country to a green granary and a green kitchen. The "Chinese rice bowl" will definitely better meet the people's needs for a better life.

  3. Patriotism is never vague, profound patriotism and lofty ambition to strengthen the country are based on pragmatic service to the country.

  4. A great cause requires a great spirit. We must vigorously promote the spirit of labor in the whole society, implement the major policy of respecting labor, knowledge, talents, and creativity, and establish the concept of hard work, honest work, and creative work. Glory and creation of greatness have become the strong voice of the era, making labor the most glorious, the most noble, the greatest, and the most beautiful.

  5. The code of why the Communist Party of China "can" is hidden in the shared joys and sorrows of "salt is salty, no salt is salty", "green I am trickling, and it will be clear and blue", "you will not get rid of poverty, I won't leave" in the commitment of responsibility.

Topic 4

attention to detail

  1. The press release is generally a three-paragraph draft, and the title should be clearly stated and not ambiguous.

  2. The use of words should be serious, written, concise, and positive, avoid colloquialism, running accounts, and try not to use the first person.

  3. In the press release, direct quotations are not used, but indirect quotations are used, and commas and periods are usually used, and ellipses and exclamation marks are generally not used.

Press releases are different from news. Press releases are articles written by editors on the basis of the subject matter of events, while news focuses on the authenticity and documentary nature of events. Master the basics of press release writing, and make a beautifully written article from It flows out of my own hands, making the whole process of campus activities a beautiful chapter in the work of the university. Everyone may be unfamiliar and wrong when they are just learning to write a press release, but as long as you master the correct method, study hard, and practice hard, you will eventually become another village, and successful manuscripts will appear on the paper. The road of writing is not only boring, but also has wonderful writing and fun. "The sun and the moon are not too late, and the four seasons are urging." In this campus life belonging to college students, the colorful campus activities are dull day after day. A necessary element of life, it is meaningful to learn to write a press release to sublime and summarize the activities. Students, you may as well pick up a pen and use your brain to learn to write a press release and exercise your writing ability.

The above content comes from the sharing. The platform is a news release platform. It has been deeply cultivated in the soft article promotion industry for 10 years. With 50,000+ network first-hand media resources, from soft article writing, press releases to news promotion, brand information can appear on comprehensive first-class portal websites, industry portal websites and various groups are highly concerned, Publish articles on a media platform with obvious promotion effects to complete the final news marketing, with high authority and credibility

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