Share three classic press release writing methods


Basic structure of a press release

Title + Introduction + Body + Epilogue (+ Background)

This is the most basic structure, and you can't go wrong with this structure. Generally, small activities or times encountered in our work can be written in accordance with this.

Then if the event is more complex, or we want to write more style, features, or in-depth highlight some of the content of the event, such a simple structure may not be enough to carry complex content.

This article will introduce you to three classic "routines" for writing press releases, which are commonly used by various media at home and abroad, and each has its own characteristics. In addition, resources for finding writing samples are provided at the end.

Three Classic Press Release Writing Methods

1. New Wall Street

Structure: Start from a very personal perspective, then expand from this small detail, gradually discuss the overall situation, and finally link back to the beginning.

Features: "From small to big", "Look at the leaves and know the autumn". Generally used for in-depth reporting. This way of writing is more humane.

A news writing method used by The Wall Street Journal in the United States.

Applicable scenarios: Demonstration of work results, such as the change of a village or a household to reflect the phased results of the XX rural revitalization work, and the problem-solving and life improvement of a certain person or family to reflect the specific work content of a project and effectiveness.

Reference example

Title: Hongmen Banquet, a Political Crisis Almost Exploded

(In December of the first year of the Han Dynasty, Motong News Agency was on the call)

When Fan Kuai broke into the Hongmen banquet, he was holding the dagger and shield tightly in both hands, his hair was standing on end, and the corners of his eyes were almost split. The halberd guards at the gate tried to stop him, but failed. The commoner who was engaged in dog slaughtering in Pei County when he was young is now facing the most powerful nobleman in the world, Xiang Yu, and loudly scolded him. The entire banquet hall was silent. (The beginning is cut from the perspective of a small person, setting up suspense.)

Fan Kuai originally worked as a security guard at the gate and was not qualified to attend. But he suddenly received a reminder from his colleague Zhang Liang that his lord Peigong almost suffered an assassination at the Hongmen banquet, and the assassin Xiang Zhuang obviously got Xiang Yu's acquiescence. In a hurry, he disregarded his low status and broke into the banquet without permission, trying to perform his duties. Fan Kuai and all Peigong's staff knew very well that this crisis was not just a crisis for Peigong alone, but a crisis for the subordinates of Fan Kuai, Zhang Liang, and even the entire Pei army. If the hostile attitude of Xiang Yu's camp is allowed to ferment, it will have an irreversible and profound impact on the world situation. (Transition from Fan Kuai's personal experience to a crisis at the political level.)

 2. Inverted pyramid

Structure: Start with the most central news point, then the less important news point, then the material and evidence supporting the core, and finally the supplementary material.

Features: "Succinct and concise", "From heavy to light". There are many narrations, few discussions, and strong timeliness. It is generally used for sudden reports.

It first appeared during the Civil War. In order to be the first to send back reports, war reporters used telegrams to send core information first. A typical case, the Associated Press news "President Roosevelt passed away today", the original English text only used 6 words.

Applicable scenarios: the start of important events, the summary of a series of activities.

Reference example

Title: Liu Bang Nearly Assassinated While Attending a Banquet

(In December of the first year of the Han Dynasty, AFP Ba went on call)

Liu Bang was nearly assassinated at the Hongmen banquet held by Xiang Yu, and has returned to the Bashang military camp. (The beginning is clear, and the core content of the news is directly pointed out.)

The banquet was aimed at resolving the dispute between Xiang Yu and Liu Bang over the occupation of Guanzhong. During the banquet, Xiang Yu's cousin Xiang Zhuang asked for a sword dance to get close to Liu Bang, but was stopped in time. (The identity of the killer, the method of the assassination, and the results are secondary news points.)

After the assassination incident, Liu Bang quickly left his seat and claimed to go to the toilet, but he did not appear at the banquet again, but returned to Ba with Fan Kuai, Xiahouying, Jin Qiang, Ji Xin and other four people via the Lishan and Zhiyang trails. Go to the barracks. (For further explanation on "returning to the military camp", the core news of Hongmen Banquet has been completely reported so far.)

 3. Xinhua Sports

Structure: Similar to an argumentative essay, it begins with a high-level building, and then intersperses with narration and discussion, argument + discussion + argument + famous quote + discussion + argument, and finally summarizes and further enhances the theme.

Features: Majestic and inspiring. Too formal and official, common in tradition, and easy to write unattractive.

Commonly seen in domestic official media.

Applicable scenarios: press publicity for official events.

Reference example

Title: Peigong Completes Strategic Transfer, Xiang Thief Plots for Bankruptcy

(In December of the first year of the Han Dynasty, Confucianism News Agency Ba went on the phone)

On the twelfth day of the severe winter, on Ba Shang in Guanzhong, the wildfire ignited the prairie, and the spirit was high. Pei Gong once again successfully foiled the ambitions' attempt to steal the fruits of anti-Qin at Hongmen, and led the army to victory in the west.

(Begin with a lyrical phrase or two, then set a basic tone, and use a grand narrative to outline the significance of the news subject. Attention to details, such as "again," shows that success is not accidental, but continuous.)


This time, the strategic shift from Guanzhong to Hanzhong, with the Hongmen Banquet as a turning point, will open a new chapter in the anti-Qin movement. The Hongmen Banquet is the edict, the beacon tower, the iron ploughshare, the reminder of Xiang Yu's life, and the milestone of Pei Gong. Old nobles will perish, and new dynasties will rise. Let us shout out the anti-Qin Yuanxun Chen Sheng's words again: princes and generals, I would rather be kind!

(The ending is sonorous, at least triadic, followed by a rhyming slogan that sums up the grand meaning.)

Reference article:

Ma Boyong "Wall Street Journal News Style, Xinhua Style, Inverted Triangle Style Hongmen Banquet PK"

Excellent sample reference

The selection results of the 31st China Journalism Awards will be released in September 2021, and it is the "Excellent Model Essay" of the official selection. According to the title, find the article you want to refer to, enter the title in the browser, and search the original text.

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