Can an unregistered domain name website install an SSL certificate?


All domestic users need to file a website to build a website, and a domain name website without a registration cannot operate normally for a long time in China. Can an unregistered domain name website install an SSL certificate? The answer is yes. Strictly speaking, it has nothing to do with whether the domain name website has the record and whether it can install the SSL certificate. The domain name website without the record can also apply for and deploy the SSL certificate.

According to the regulations of the "Regulations on the Administration of Filing of Non-Profit Internet Information Services", the presentation of non-profit Internet information services in the Republic of China should be filed. Without filing, you cannot engage in non-profit Internet information services in the Republic of China, and websites without filing will be punished or shut down.

However, applying for an SSL certificate does not require filing! Because SSL certificate certification is a separate business, it will not involve website servers or host-related products. As long as the website has a domain name that can be resolved normally, you can apply for an SSL certificate. Therefore, you can apply for an SSL certificate directly from Anxin Certificate.

What are the materials required for a website to apply for an SSL certificate?

SSL certificate is a network security protocol, a security protocol implemented on TCP/IP, using public key technology. Therefore, in today's frequent network security incidents, it is essential to deploy SSL certificates.

SSL certificate installation request authentication can be divided into DV (domain name authentication ssl certificate), OV (organization authentication ssl certificate), EV (extended authentication ssl certificate), the specific conditions are as follows:

  • DV SSL certificate: just verify domain ownership;
  • OV SSL certificate: need to verify domain name ownership and the identity of the applicant organization;
  • EV SSL certificate: It is necessary to verify the ownership of the domain name, apply for the identity information of the enterprise organization, develop the third-party payment certificate, and other auxiliary verification.

Note: Although the installation of the SSL certificate has nothing to do with the registration of the domain name, the domestic website still needs the registration to go online, that is to say, to allow the website to be accessed normally, it is still necessary to go to the relevant department for the record.

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