News advertisment marketing advertorial marketing is an indispensable part of corporate brand strategy

thumbnail said that the promotion of advertisment is undoubtedly a business promotion strategy. Based on advising writing, the information of products or enterprises can be disseminated through the power of advising, to discover potential customers and help build corporate culture. On the other hand, let consumers familiarize themselves with the brand and remember the product during the unconscious reading process. pointed out that from the perspective of publicity effect, the promotion of soft articles takes a long time to do and ferment for a long time. So, the question is, how to carry out the promotion of efficient and fast press releases? For specific requirements, you can look at these points summarized.

First of all, we must pay attention to the quality of writing soft articles. High-quality quality is an essential weapon for the efficient dissemination of press releases.

  1. The content must be original. Now is the Internet era, search engines have extremely high requirements for the quality of advertisment, only advertisments with high-quality content can be favored by search engines, so that keywords can be displayed on search engines to have more exposure opportunities. In order to achieve high quality, it is necessary to have a high degree of originality. Pseudo-soft articles written by means of pseudo-original, plagiarism, etc. will be greatly reduced in terms of ranking by search engines.

  2. The content should be readable. It should be written from the perspective of the audience, not from the perspective of the business. Since it is written for users, then you should think about what kind of articles users want to read, and write what users think, so that you can make Target users have the desire to read deeply.

  3. Reasonably implant information. The implantation of corporate information should be reasonable, and should not be rigid, and should not make readers feel that it is for corporate propaganda.

  4. Have the spirit of innovation. It’s even better if you are always innovative, knowing that new and interesting things are more likely to make users feel good.

Second, the media resource allocation coverage is maximized. pointed out that companies generally know that they attach great importance to the media placement of press releases. Press releases should be placed on high-quality websites such as large portal websites and media with high attention, so as to maximize the effect of posting, and the channels and content of the press releases must be related. This will help increase the conversion rate of traffic. Select media that is consistent with the content style of the soft paper for dissemination, so that the content and the media are harmoniously combined, so as to be more readable.

When it comes to press releases, the most important distribution channel is online media, but in addition to web media, it can be easily adjusted to cover more online press release promotion platforms, such as: official websites, Weibo, WeChat, blogs, Tieba forums, Q&A platforms, documents Share, sns social network and other platforms. said that the launch of any new product or the launch of any new brand requires news reports to convey the news. At this time, choosing news media is undoubtedly the most suitable, because in reality, the most lack of new products and new brands is credibility, and new brands lack influence and appeal. not achieve the desired effect.

It can be seen that in the process of advertisment dissemination, if an enterprise wants to achieve an efficient advertisment publicity effect, in addition to "content is king", it must also cooperate with high-quality media resources, both of which are indispensable. Conversely, if one of the two is not done well, it will be difficult for the company to make efficient soft text marketing.

What is the elusive logic of marketing promotion? Let a lot of marketers always go against the right path. I briefly sorted out the four new ideas of network marketing in marketing work... No matter what I say, I always think that the essence of marketing has not changed, but the path to insight into human nature has changed.

However, if you cannot see the essence through the phenomenon, how can you gain insight into the real logic behind marketing? Let's not talk much, let's analyze the logical problems behind these four marketing thinking one by one.

product thinking

Product thinking is the diamond of marketing work. High-quality products and services are the main way for enterprises to exert their social value. Any product that an enterprise puts on the market must meet the needs of target consumers.

Better than the products on the market

Why compare with existing products on the market, because what we need to promote new products is to replace the choices consumers currently have. With the emergence of any new product, if there is no sufficient reason for consumers to change their original consumption habits, they will not easily make a decision to change their consumption habits.

A little more than consumers want

Jobs once said: "Consumers don't know what they want until we come up with our own product, and they realize that this is what I want." As a product manager, we know them better than the consumers themselves. Before the advent of the steam engine, when consumers were asked how they could run faster, consumers tended to say, "I might need a fast horse."

Better than my previous product

Have you noticed that all the apps installed on your mobile phone are iteratively updated from time to time, and all products have new packaging every year, making consumers feel "Look, I'm changing all the time". The purpose of such a move is to ignite the curiosity of consumers, "I have changed a new trick again, choose me, you will get a better experience!" Every manufacturer is striving to achieve product innovation through research and development, in order to create In the new consumption space, consumers are not easy to be satisfied. Consumers do not like changes, and they are more tired of being the same.

User thinking

User thinking , that is, there are users in the heart, and all marketing work is carried out based on the interests of users. After traditional enterprises enter the market, consumers or dealers do not buy it, and there is no problem with product quality. The problem is that there is no user thinking, blindly standing on the perspective of the enterprise, unable to grasp the attention of consumers, and unable to occupy the minds of consumers.

User thinking, reflected in communication

As a regional liquor brand, in 2017, it became an internet celebrity-level liquor brand, a phenomenon-level product copywriting, and became a link for emotional communication with consumers. Some people say that "without copywriting, there will be no current liquor", which is not unreasonable. Liquor brands have analyzed their audience groups and hit the emotional world of young people today. Faced with social pressure, young groups need a brand to speak for them and release their long-held emotions. Liquor brands just resonate with this group of people through packaging copywriting. All consumers see the copywriting on the wine bottle in the supermarket. When I was writing, I would probably be thinking, "The story told in this copy is not me!".

This is the success of liquor brand marketing, successfully exporting its own values, and opening up the market for this group.

User thinking is also reflected in services

Many companies tend to ignore customer management in the course of their business operations, thinking that everything will be all right when the product is sold. In fact, selling the product is only the first step in the marketing work, and the quality of the follow-up customer service is the key to the marketing work.

After Haier was smashed by Zhang Ruimin in the 1980s, 76 refrigerators were smashed and started the battle for quality. In the following decades, Haier insisted on Haier's characteristic service. Today, the first keyword that comes to our mind for Haier Electric should be "" After-sale service". Big brands at home and abroad, such as KFC, McDonald's, Haidilao,, etc., all regard service as one of their core competitiveness.

market thinking

To be a business, one must focus on the policy and the other on the market. Most of the risks of an enterprise's operation do not come from policies, but from the rapid changes in the market.

To establish a correct view of the market and respect the market

We must believe in the leading role of the market in allocating resources. Never think that every market is a simple, independent and unchanged market. Your products and services must be lacking in the market, rather than thinking that the market lacks.

Correctly locate market participants and rationally mobilize participation functions

For consumers, he has the right to choose and comment on products and services. Your brand is determined by consumers, and consumers are the last link in the marketing work, and also the first link.

Mobilizing these three links and forming a healthy and orderly closed loop requires constant thinking and practice by every marketer.

competitive thinking

Competitive thinking and lack of awareness of market competition will inevitably lead to elimination from the market. There are many companies that are satisfied with the status quo and do not want to make progress. Most of the brands that became famous overnight through smashing advertisements disappeared within a few years. When we looked for the reasons for their failures, we found that they often reduced their investment in innovation and R&D, and were too satisfied with the status quo, and a new product from a competitor could steal their existing market.

Competitive thinking is reflected in whether the company is focused on one thing

Trout's specific theory says that "enterprises should avoid the brand extension trap", but many companies are planted in blind expansion, and the brands that were once all-powerful finally ended up in the past.

Who can better provide "solutions" for consumers' pain points

Consumers will only choose the products and services that are most suitable for them at the moment, and they are loyal to their choice, not to an obscure brand. Unless the product represented by the brand is of good quality, fair price, emotional resonance, etc., the most important thing is a "solution" that will always outperform the competition.

These four kinds of thinking are the core thinking summed up in marketing study and work, and any innovation in marketing theory is inseparable from the guidance of these thinking. Marketing is a complex system engineering, only with correct marketing thinking can help enterprises to be invincible in the fierce competition., based on its rich experience in news adware marketing, has made up for the inadequacies of hard advertisment, and guided consumers into brand promotion with the effect of hiding needles in cotton, which plays an important role in shaping a perfect brand image. . In addition, as a professional Internet integrated marketing agency, can also cooperate with soft text marketing through the integration of other types of communication forms, such as the construction of the whole network e-commerce platform, the information flow advertising of major Internet media, etc. The company builds a high-end brand image.


Beijing Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2007 and is headquartered in Beijing. It is a professional network marketing service for brand enterprises and listed companies to provide professional news advertising marketing, short video marketing, celebrity resources, talent resources, etc., to build a network An Internet technology company marketing brand image, focusing on providing Internet integrated marketing services for brand enterprises. Comprehensively integrating Internet media resources, through rigorous planning, proper implementation, accurate promotion and other efficient operation modes, it helps corporate customers in various industries to successfully achieve the goals of brand building, image building, and product promotion in the network field.

After 15 years of hard work and hard work, has developed into a "search engine marketing, information flow advertising, brand advertising, traditional advertising, news advertisment marketing, forum marketing, Weibo marketing, WeChat marketing, SEO optimization, word-of-mouth communication, Chinese domain name" (Chinese.Website domain name, Chinese.Mall domain name, Chinese.Mobile phone domain name)" and other comprehensive precision network integrated marketing services! Since its establishment 15 years ago, it has been standing on the cusp of the Internet era, grasping the lifeblood of the development of the era, standardizing the industry standard of network promotion integrated marketing, news advertisment marketing, and doing effective communication. In the era of mobile Internet, based on the breadth and depth of the Internet, it provides multi-dimensional network promotion services, provides news advertisment marketing for more than thousands of enterprises, integrates marketing methods to spread brands, monitors and optimizes network operations, and realizes brand building on the Internet for enterprises and market sales targets. (

The Small Marketing Collective | MktLab

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